Access to specialist services
We understand that we may not have all the specialist skills that you need.
We work with other agencies who may be able to support you if we can’t.
Naloxone training
Naloxone is a drug that can reverse the effects of opioids, such as heroin, methadone, opium, codeine, morphine, and buprenorphine. A naloxone dose can even save someone’s life if it’s used quickly after they’ve overdosed on opioids and before emergency help arrives.
The effects of naloxone don’t last very long, so it’s important to always call 999 and ask for emergency help when you use it.
We work alongside We Are With You to provide free training and kits for the families of loved ones.
Bereavement support
At a loss can connect you with specialist support in your local area.
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline.
TEL 116123
Mental Health
Lincolnshire Talking Therapies can offer free counselling support if you need a more specialist approach.
Financial Worries and Legal Advice
- South Lincolnshire
- Lincoln
- Mid Lincolnshire
Domestic Abuse
Behaviour can be abusive if it is any of the following from a family member or intimate partner:
- Destructive criticism and verbal abuse.
- Pressuring you to do things through withholding money, removing access to your phone/car, threatening to take away your children.
- Disrespect. Putting you down, ignoring you, refusing to help.
- Lying or withholding information, jealousy, having other intimate relationships.
- Stealing from you.
- Isolating you. Preventing you from seeing friends and family.
- Harassment. Following you and checking up on you.
- Threats to harm you, your children, your pets or other that you love. Breaking things, shouting, using size to intimidate.
- Sexual and physical violence.
- Denial (Gaslighting) saying that you don’t feel the way you do, that the behaviour is your fault, denying that the abuse happened.
If you or someone that you know is experiencing an abusive relationship, please get in touch with Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service.
Worried about your safety
For immediate danger, always call 999 for help.
If you want to report criminal activity, you can call 101.
You can call Crimestoppers which allows you to report things anonymously. 0800555111
Trauma Counselling
Trauma is an event or series of events that overwhelm your normal ability to cope emotionally. You may feel unusually stressed or anxious, have troubling thoughts or struggle with activities that you used to be able to do.
If you think that you may have experienced trauma, it could be useful to discuss this with a specialist: