
Sid’s Story

Sid was referred to Oasis Family Support for emotional support following his ex-partners alcohol use and the impact this still has on his and their children’s lives.

Sid is a single dad to two young boys. He recently separated from his wife and has custody of the boys who live with him in a small rented two-bedroom house. Sid works full time and is currently financing both the rented house and the former family home. Sid’s estranged wife refuses to move out of the family home and makes no financial contributions towards the mortgage repayments or towards the upkeep of the children. Having now come out of his fixed-term mortgage deal, Sid is finding his financial situation to be very stressful, and it is actively adding to the amount of debt he is finding himself in. Another contributing factor to this is his borrowing money from both family and credit cards to pay solicitors fees. This causing Sid to suffer with bouts of anxiety. 

Sid has been a victim of physical and verbal abuse from his estranged wife. The children have witnessed and experienced bouts of mum drinking until she is unconscious. At times in the past, mum has had serious accidents requiring hospital treatment due to being intoxicated while caring for the children. Both children have witnessed violence in the home as well arguments between mum and dad.

Since becoming involved with Oasis Family Support Services, Sid now has an outlet for some of the concerns regarding his finances and recovering from the challenges that he and the children faced in the home. Both children have been receiving supported from the Young Oasis Team and we have supported Sid to access other services that can start to help to tackle the financial difficulties that he is facing. Sid has a clear vision of what he wants for his family and the team are providing advice, support and the strategies to start working towards that plan for the future.

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