
Oasis Family Support FAQ’s

Here you will find all the most frequently asked question about Oasis, but if you require more information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Oasis Family Support provides advice information and emotional support to children (aged 5 upwards), young people, adults, and families in Lincolnshire whose lives have been or are negatively impacted by somebody else’s drug or alcohol use.

Unfortunately, we do not cover North and Northeast Lincolnshire.

We can support you even if the person using drugs or alcohol is not accessing their own support from treatment or recovery services.

Oasis Family Support offer a range of different support options. You can choose the support that best suits you or your family.

  • Peer Group
  • Telephone support
  • Virtual support
  • Face –to –face support
  • One off support or advice
  • Out of hours support (appointment only)
  • Bereavement support (for people affected by a drug or alcohol related death)
  • Short educational courses.

Oasis Family Support Practitioners are trained in Protective Behaviors and CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training)

We can also provide joint meetings with treatment providers where there is consent from all parties.

Children and young people, please talk to a trusted adult so that they can make the referral on your behalf. Young people over the age of 13 years can self-refer by using the referral form on our website or by using the “contact us” button for more information.

Adults can self-refer by using the referral form on our website or by using the “contact us” button for more information.

Professionals can refer somebody else on their behalf by completing the referral form on our website or by using the “contact us” button for more information. Please ensure that you have consent from the person you are referring to our service before submitting the referral form.

Alternatively, if you need help or support completing the referral form or want to talk to someone first, please contact our Head Office on 01522 806611 where a team member will help.

Once a referral is received a practitioner will screen the referral. If we feel we can support you, we will contact you / your parent (unless you have asked us not to) / or the person who has referred you to plan to meet you or talk to you and complete an assessment so we can see how we can help and support you.

Sometimes we do encounter waiting lists, however, we will always keep you or other professionals involved updated on expected wait times. You are always welcome to access our support groups until we can see or talk to you in person.

We will spend some time during your first appointment getting to know each other better. We may need to ask you some questions which will help us to understand how you are feeling so we know how we can help you.

We will look at different support options and decide together which type of support would be best for you. This could be group support or 1-1.

Oasis Family Support is confidential. We would only share information about you with your consent, or if we felt worried about your safety or somebody else.

Oasis Family Support Practitioners can support you to get the right help for you.

We can provide information about other services and can refer you to them with your consent.

Young people or adults using drugs and alcohol who want help and support around their substance use can contact Lincolnshire Recovery Partnership who are the treatment and recovery provider in Lincolnshire.